Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Next New Thing

A new type of new media that should exist would be virtual traveling. Traveling is expensive and tedious for many people. There are a lot of planning involved when someone is looking to go travel. They have to worry about accommodations, transportation, currency, safety, and more. It is a painful process and many people go through because being able to travel is probably the one thing that will make you rich as a person. The things you see, experience, and feel is just so different when you're actually at that place versus watching a documentary on it. With virtual traveling, you can do just that. Virtual Traveling takes the painful process of having to plan everything and all the worries that comes with traveling. With a console that connects your brainwaves and a device that will allow you to view, experience, and go wherever you want to. It can also stimulate your brain so that you will be able to feel and connect with others, giving it the true real life experience you get when traveling. You would be able to experience the culture and the people's day to day life all in the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately, it would be hard to stimulate taste and smell but I'm sure with technological advances, it wouldn't take long before someone else invents a way to stimulate taste and smell so users of virtual traveling will be able to get the full experience of traveling the world at a low cost and in the comfort of their own homes.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Our Class Wiki- So Far

For our class wiki, I've been gathering information on fashion trends after the second world war. How they're born, the first trends and how it has evolved over the years. I've also looked into fashion trends of various cultures. Each culture has their own unique kind of fashion, I thought it would be interesting to have a wiki article discussing how different cultures have different fashion trends. I will specifically be focusing on fashion trends and its evolution in Japan versus the United States. Both countries have extremely different cultures, values, and it will be interesting to see the various fashion trends that took off in these countries. Besides their respective differences from one another, I will also be talking about how they have influenced each other. In the recent years, there have been multiple occasions where the two countries have influenced one another's fashion trends and how they have crossed paths with one another. For example, in the recent years, Japan's streetwear and sneakers industry have grown exponentially. Many streetwear brands in the United States, now have specialty shops all across Japan and releasing limited edition/exclusive streetwear products that draws international attention. Another example would be Rei Kawakubo, a japanese fashion designer who has collaborated with brands such as LV and H&M and designed a line of products for them. This goes to show how japanese fashion can influence the western fashion as well. There are a lot more examples that I will include in the wiki article in conjunction with all the facts and history of fashion trends in the past 71 years.

P2P File Sharing

File Sharing is when one shares their papers, resources, images, videos, or even programs to one or more people on the internet. In today's technological advanced society, file sharing is extremely common. It allows people to share various things, from their favorite music to academic reports, file sharing allows others to see and give feedback to the same things as you almost immediately. P2P file sharing, also known as Peer-to-Peer file sharing is when you share your work or any important notes/insights with your peers. It can be your peers at school, work, or just someone working in the same industry as you. You will be able to share a specific report or file to your peer who may need it for research or simply gain insight on a common subject. An example of P2P file sharing would be BitTorrent. According to Clive Thompson in the article, The BitTorrent Effect, "Analysts at CacheLogic, an Internet-traffic analysis firm in Cambridge, England, report that BitTorrent traffic accounts for more than one-third of all data sent across the Internet." This is because "BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download enormous amounts of data, files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3." Therefore, people can download and send things a lot quicker and efficiently. Another example of P2P file sharing would definitely be when students send files through email for a group project, homework, or even a special announcement. In seconds, everyone on the email list would be able to access the files sent and respond to them accordingly. This is extremely convenient and fast for students to get things done efficiently and effectively.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

With advances in new media, privacy and confidentiality have been a rising issue for many people. There have been people getting scammed and people obtaining credit card information online because the sites weren't trustworthy. It is also important to point out that many people like to post a lot of different pictures to share with their friends and family. However, there are hackers who would be able to hack into these social media accounts, obtain the photos, and impersonate them online. There are many instances where people's identities were taken and used for illegal purposes, which causes a lot of people to not feel comfortable with post their private information online or even pictures. I personally think that everyone should take precautions when posting things on social media not just because of privacy issues. This is because potential employers tend to be able to gain access to what you post onto social media, if the content you post on social media is unprofessional and offensive, it may harm your possibility of getting the job. It is important to be able to understand what sites are safe and confidential and what you should and should not post onto social media, whether it be your credit card information or a picture of you at a party, precautions should always be taken when thinking about posting something on social media.

Advice for Baruch College

My advice for Baruch College to use new media to improve the College would using social media platforms like Twitter to communicate with students. Baruch College can have students ask questions and address their concerns on Twitter. This way, the college as well as alumnus and other students can help address any questions or concerns that prospective and current students may have. Baruch College have many amazing facilities and resources that many students don't know about. Since there are so many different kinds of resources available, a lot of times students don't know where to go or who to ask. With the use of Twitter, students can get immediate answers right away and wouldn't have to waste time scavenging the Baruch website for an answer. Also, even if students were to find the answers to their questions online, there may be certain information missing that can easily be communicated via Twitter. Therefore, I believe that Baruch College should be able to use social media platforms to better communicate with students and help them and other students to address any questions or concerns they may have in a timely manner. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


With new media, we are able to utilize the internet to get inspired and aspire to be inspiring. From the newest technology to the history of human origins, we are able to access all types of information with the internet and learn from them. With the development of social media, we can also share and discuss our thoughts and ideas virtually to anyone. People are able to express themselves and opinions through various social media platforms, unleashing unlimited amount of creativity. As long as you have an idea, there is bound to be a place for it on the internet. According to Claire Can Miller's article, Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers, "Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups..." The internet allows us to contribute and exchange endless amount of creative ideas, which allows companies to utilize these ideas and opinions to better themselves. Whether it's developing a new feature for their product or simply looking for inspirations for their next product, the internet plays a huge role when they're look for new creative inspirations. There are new informations and ideas added to the internet everyday, it has definitely helped us all unleash our inner creativity in one way or another.

Creativity and New Media

New Media, specifically Social Media has played a huge role on how I express my creativity. I've been able to express who I am and be creative through my Instagram. A visual diary dedicating to my favorite thing, fashion. I am able to build and curate my own feed of outfits and lifestyle inspirations. Fashion has been my creative outlet since high school and Instagram has helped shared my creativity with others. I am able to share, talk, and engage with my followers my newest addition to my collection as well as inspire them to wear what they want and what they love.

Here is a snapshot of my feed.
Feel free to go ahead and take a look!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds can be used for many purposes. One of the ways Virtual Worlds can be used is to use it to live another life you can't possibly live in the real world. In the Virtual World, you can pretty much be whoever you want to be and live out your dreams. For a lot of people this is a way for them to fulfill what they can't in real life. Contrary, another way Virtual Worlds can be used as a company communication tool. For example, according to the article, Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, "...more than 1,400 organizations... use Second Life [Virtual World Platform] to hold meetings, conduct training and prototype new technologies more efficiently." Virtual Worlds creates a platform for large organizations to be able to connect and hold meetings without having to travel long distances to meet and negotiate proposals.

The pros for Virtual worlds are definitely it's ability for people to connect easily. It acts as a social media platform, except it has an active avatar that represents you and doing things you would be doing in real life. In a sense, it's the robotic version of yourself in a 2D screen. Virtual worlds also allows you to buy things you wouldn't typically buy in real life. For example, according to the aritcle, No Budgets, No Boundaries: It's the Real You, "In their day to day lives, shoppers... have sharply trimmed their spending. ...But online, their acquisitive lust rages unabated." This shows that there utterly no boundaries or obstacles limiting what you can get in the Virtual World. Nothing will grow old or not fit in the future because it is always their in real life.

The cons of this however, would definitely be the spending. Although, sending money in the Virtual worlds are cheaper than actually buying the products in real life, even bit adds up. People may end up going overboard and invest too much money into their virtual world and forget about reality. Chances are, the money being invested into their virtual worlds is essential to their everyday lives. The money spent in the virtual world can help with rent, next week's groceries, or even an emergency situation where you need the extra quarter to make a phone call home. 

It's pros and cons aside, Virtual Worlds can definitely foster creativity. In the virtual world you can design everything you want. Your dream house, your favorite outfits, hair color, cars, and even jobs. There's no limit to what you can or can't do in a virtual world, you are the one in control, and you would pretty much be able to design your own life. Because of this freedom, I believe that Virtual world would only get more and more popular. Not only because it gives users the freedom to do whatever they desire to, but it's a great platform for large international companies to use to communicate. Imagine how much time and how cost efficient it would be to be able to save the travel expenses used to fly employees out of the countries for meetings. Those money can be used to better and improve the company as a whole.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog About Twitter

Personally, I think that Twitter discussions are a lot easier than Blackboard discussions. This is mainly because I am a visual learner. I love that Twitter has the ability to directly link and provide a small preview of the content of the link. When having discussions, I don't like having to go back and forth rereading an article everytime I want to respond, through Twitter, I can easily scroll back up and I reread a small recap and continue on with the discussion. If I wanted to directly respond to something someone said, I can also "retweet" their tweet in conjunction to my tweet so they would know what I'm responding to. 

However, if I were to compare Twitter discussions with an in class discussion, I would definitely say that Twitter may not be as organized as an in class discussion. This is because in class discussions are usually monitored by the professor so students are more likely to raise their hands and express themselves when called on. Although in class discussions are more organized, I do think that the engagement levels on Twitter would definitely be significantly higher than in class discussions since those who are usually shy and afraid to speak in front of the whole class will be more comfortable expressing themselves through Twitter. Therefore, in my opinion, in class discussions are better in a sense that it is more organized and in the moment whereas Twitter discussions may provide more engagement.

Social Networking Sites

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr, four of the most popular social networking sites. If I were to choose one as my favorite, I would definitely say Instagram. This is because I love how easy it is to explore and interact with other people. Instagram doesn't necessarily have this wall between people, you're free to like whatever you want and comment on whatever you want and its users wouldn't judge you. With over 400 million users and growing, Instagram is definitely one of the most important social networking sites to use for businesses and brands to use as well. There are so many different kinds of businesses and influencers on Instagram, it is hard to get bored with it.

In comparison, Facebook is definitely more personalized and it's a great way to keep up to date with your friends and family. Everyone is super busy with their lives and Facebook allows it's users to keep up to date with their friends and family without having to take out a few hours of their day to drive and go visit each friend. Though it is sad to say that because of Facebook's effective notifications and notifying its users upcoming birthdays, events, and so forth, people don't put in effort to remember special dates anymore. In a sense, a person's birthday is no longer as significant as it was before Facebook's existence. It's simply another notification and a kind gesture to type out "Happy Birthday!" on the other person's wall. However, it is a platform that allows its users to truly keep up and interact with their loved ones and still be able to be updated on current events.

Twitter on the other hand is similar to a giant chatroom. It would probably be the largest chatroom in the world. Twitter allows its users to post simple status updates and allow different users to "retweet" and spread awareness of a particular event or issue and it also allows its users to interact with each other and have a discussion through 140 characters. It's a great platform to let out any thoughts that's running through your head at that particular time or share a funny encounter you've just experienced. There's not really much you can't say on Twitter, it whether or not you want to share it. 

Lastly, Tumblr. I would say Tumblr is a mix of all of the above. It has the visual and interactive aspects of Instagram, keeping up to current events and other issues like Facebook, and it allows its users to really blog about their feelings and speak their minds like Twitter. However, of the four social networking sites, Tumblr has been on a decline. I believe it's highly due to the fact that it's slowly being overpowered by the previous three social networking sites that Tumblr seems, uninteresting. Yes it has the elements that the other three have, but it hasn't really show it's own distinctive ability to stand out amongst the other three. Nonetheless, it is a great platform to get inspired and blog your thoughts and ideas. 

All in all, I would say Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter all has its own distinctive attribute to better our lives and keeping it more interesting. I won't say spending too much time on these sites would be good for you but these sites are intriguing and interesting enough to keep us from going back for more content and get inspired to better ourselves in different ways.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Social Networking

Along with the rapid growth of technological advances, social media platforms have evolved with endless potentials and possibilities to grow business, increase brand awareness, or network with potential employers. These platforms allows us to increase our personal networks and reach a bigger and wider audience. Take Linkedin for example, it has been one of the most popular social networking sites used by professionals worldwide. Linkedin allows its users to connect and network with professionals in practically any field of business. According to a leader in online recruiting, Shally Steckerl in Frank Langfitt's article, Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting "With Linkedin, he can find people faster using a vastly increased network of contacts." In the past, many recruiters find potential employees through referrals and relied heavily on resumes and cover letters submitted by various individuals. However, with the development of social networking sites, recruiters can search up all qualified individuals with a click of a button. 

The beneficial development of social networking sites also has its "dark" side, too. With the increase of users across various social networking sites, teens and preteens users on the internet have skyrocketed like never before. While it may be beneficial for these teens and preteens to network and connect with their peers, it also creates a new platform for bullying. Cyber bullying has become more common than before, with kids hiding behind their computer screens and typing away nasty comments to another kid that they barely knew in person. Cyberbullying has been a social issue that society has been worrying about. Cyberbullying isn't the only "dark" side of social networking, the inability to create genuine connections has been a huge issue as well. According to The New York Times article by Hilary Stout, Antisocial Networking? "The question on researchers’ minds is whether all that texting, instant messaging and online social networking allows children to become more connected and supportive of their friends — or whether the quality of their interactions is being diminished without the intimacy and emotional give and take of regular, extended face-to-face time." Researcher are constantly looking for answers to whether or not social networking is actually good for interacting and connecting with others. It raises questions that maybe social media and social networking isn't as great as it's sought out to be or maybe its something that is slowly killing the quality of our society.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blogs vs. Wiki

Blogs in comparison to wikis are more personal and reflects the personality and writing style of the blog's author. Wikis on the other hand can have millions of authors and publishers. It's basically a one stop shop for information on everything and anything. In wikis, you can basically find articles on different topics in just one webpage whereas blogs may be specifically dedicated to one topic. According to Ms. Hankins who was interviewed on the New York Times article by Noam Cohen, An Internal Wiki That is Not Classified and a user of Diplopedia, "The advantage of Diplopedia, she said, isn’t necessarily the ease of creating new material, but the ease in finding information." Wikis allow users to stay on one webpage and have access to different articles and information they need. Wikis allow users to collaborate and create their own articles to add more information or support a certain topic. 

Although blogs are more personal and specific, it doesn't mean that they can't be collaborative. Tumblr for example was once one of the most popular social networking/blogging platform because it allowed users to explore and "reblog" other user's contents. By "reblogging" a certain post, users are using each other's posts to curate their own blogs. Every Tumblr user has an unique blog of their own but majority of them uses posts from other Tumblr users. I think wikis can definitely try to implement this so that users can keep track of what they want to know and what they need to know. One thing they should beware though, is the content of their wikis. Since 2014, Tumblr's traffic hasn't been increasing or decreasing. Many speculated that it may be because a bigger company bought out the site, but according to Forbes' staff, Jeff Bercovici's article, Yahoo's Next Problem: Tumblr's Traffic Isn't Growing, "Tumblr’s traffic flattening corresponds with a period of torrid growth for viral content sites, particularly Buzzfeed and Upworthy. Those sites deal in the same sorts of content — funny gifs and memes, inspirational photos and videos — that’s popular on Tumblr." This means that, if the content of the wikis can easily be accessible through other methods, the collaborative "reblogging" method may not be the best for that particular wiki.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Social Media Influencers: How Bloggers and Influencers are the New Driving Force for Advertising

My topic for the term paper will focus on how advertisers are using social medias to advertise their products. Most importantly, how they would hire or provide free products to bloggers or influencers to review and talk about their products to their followers as a way of advertising and driving sales. I would talk about the pros and cons of this kind of advertising technique to both consumers and companies. I will also talk about how effective this kind of advertising is verses the traditional marketing campaigns.