Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog About Twitter

Personally, I think that Twitter discussions are a lot easier than Blackboard discussions. This is mainly because I am a visual learner. I love that Twitter has the ability to directly link and provide a small preview of the content of the link. When having discussions, I don't like having to go back and forth rereading an article everytime I want to respond, through Twitter, I can easily scroll back up and I reread a small recap and continue on with the discussion. If I wanted to directly respond to something someone said, I can also "retweet" their tweet in conjunction to my tweet so they would know what I'm responding to. 

However, if I were to compare Twitter discussions with an in class discussion, I would definitely say that Twitter may not be as organized as an in class discussion. This is because in class discussions are usually monitored by the professor so students are more likely to raise their hands and express themselves when called on. Although in class discussions are more organized, I do think that the engagement levels on Twitter would definitely be significantly higher than in class discussions since those who are usually shy and afraid to speak in front of the whole class will be more comfortable expressing themselves through Twitter. Therefore, in my opinion, in class discussions are better in a sense that it is more organized and in the moment whereas Twitter discussions may provide more engagement.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie,
    I do agree with some of your ideas, while at the same time I disagree. But one thing I do like is how you mention that shy people can get more involved on Twitter discussions opposed to in class discussions; as they would not have to speak up, they would only be typing their ideas. Therefore it truly is a great and easy way for everyone to express themselves.
